Campaign Co-ordinator at Share the Road Campaign
Working with bus/ truck drivers and cyclists to build empathy for vulnerable road users and increase confidence among cyclists:
- Initiating and facilitating Cycling Confidence adult training workshops around the country;
- Building and consolidating stakeholder engagement among/ between cycling and trucking communities;
- Managing Campaign media and communications.
on behalf of Cycling Action Network.
Study on cyclist training around heavy vehicles
For Nelson City Council on behalf of Cycling Action Network.
Click on image for more info.
Chairing Cycling Action Network
- Ongoing engagement through newsletters, mailing lists, social media and face-to-face with the public, stakeholders, volunteers and staff;
- Executive and governance functions; overseeing transition to Board and Executive structure;
- Co-ordinating and editing submissions by technical/ academic groups e.g. to Government on transport greenhouse gas emissions and over-arching transport policy.
- Presentation of papers etc. at VĂ©loCity international and at national NZ conferences.
- Voluntary role ~20 hours per week.
- 2016-18
Co-ordinating written + oral submissions
Technical and policy papers + submissions to Government, Local Authorities, Government agencies, commercial and other bodies. Issues covered include many facets of transport, for example-
- On NZ transport greenhouse gas emissions
- On over-arching NZ transport policy.
- Consultation with authorities, public and stakeholders regarding for Irish Rules of Road revisions
- Fact sheets summarising research on transport issues
- Consultation on transport proposals for local area plans
- Technical support for Metro North appeal
- Review + attendance at filming of road safety ads for TV
- Specifications, roads design proposals etc.
Chairing Dublin Cycling Campaign
Dublin Cycling Campaign is an independent, voluntary lobby group that has been working to improve the city for all cyclists since the early 1990’s. The Campaign offers evidence-based advocacy for a more livable Dublin- ‘Safer, quieter, greener, more sociable streets’ is the motto. Specific campaigns and projects are carried out by working groups, often collaborating online.
Volunteers to the Camapaign include academics, journalists, photographers, bike shop owners, politicians, architects and many other walks of life.
The Campaign works closely with Dublin City Council, promotes its views through all forms of media, and engages regularly with national bodies such as the Department for Transport or the Irish Heart Alliance.
Will chaired the Campaign from mid 2008 until March, 2012. Work included-
- Guiding strategy and agreeing Campaign priorities
- Allocating resources of (mostly volunteer) skills + time; allocating + administering finances, retail stock, insurances etc.
- Grant applications and, when successful, administration of grant funds. Funding sources included Department of Transport, Department of Education, and the European Commission
- Administering membership databases
- Editing and design of
- newsletters
- website content
- leaflets
- social media content
- flyers
- posters
- Public interaction; gathering views and one-to-one advocacy; fielding public queries and criticisms; meeting public at fairs and festivals
- Interaction with media as noted below
- Liaison with other NGOs at national, UK and EU levels, with businesses and community groups both like-minded and unsympathetic
Public actions
Concept design, planning, media relations, logistics for annual public actions marking EU Urban Mobility Week, 2004-2010. Promotion in Press of ideas for sustainable transport and city liveability.
‘It’s Not You, I Just Need my Space’ action took place in 2008.
Press relations
Interaction with all forms of media: Press releases, interviews, editing, approving, writing + collaborating on articles.
30 km/h campaign
Co-ordinating a controversial but successful campaign, against vigorous opposition, through media, local politicians, active members of public to persuade Dublin City Council to retain safer speed limits in a large section of the city centre. The campaign was characterised by intensive research to muster the strong evidential support for arguments in favour of safer speeds.
Direct canvassing of politicians, regular press releases and interviews, and garnering support from well-known individuals were some of the tasks involved.
Cyclemaps Ireland Ltd.
Co-ordinating grant applications to Department of Transport for ‘Smarter Travel’ initiatives, and preparing a winning application. Co-ordinating team to fulfill this application, carrying out study of cyclist-focussed mapping concepts: International research, surveys, interviews and editing report. Study and evaluation of online crowd-sourced and private-sector mapping tools.
Establishment, initial cartography + design for the resulting, paper-based map, aimed at cyclists in Dublin area and based on concepts of ‘Cyclecraft’ by John Franklin.
Cycle Skills Training
Delivering Cycle Skills training to schoolchildren. Training to NZQA standard Levels 1 and 2, enabling kids to control a bike, share the road with other users & types of vehicle, negotiate quiet streets and achieve transport independence.